Menu edit processing with this program you can update the menu, add new items to the menu and change user rights so they see certain programs or not.

Go to Admin=⇒ Menu Edit Mode, then click on Enter Menu Edit Mode.

Then you will see the left hand side of the menu change. on the left side: BLUE button to EDIT, GREEN button to COPY, and RED button to DELETE

In the Middle you will see: Attached to Cat - where it shows up on the menu For User: What user will see this menu item and be able to run the program. 0 is for all users. Name: - what the user will see on the menu and click on to run. Script/URL - the program that is going to run when they click on the menu item Target: - shows where you want to see the page, Content page is showing on the current left hand side of the menu. Language - the product is in 9 different languages. Hide from menu: this is only checked for special reasons and normally should not be used.

The buttons below: EDIT Menu Item - when you make a change to the above fields, you then click this to save the changes. EDIT Template - only used for programmers - its so you can change the information that shows up on the screen. View Templates List - only used for programmers - its so you can change the information that shows up on the screen. EDIT Program - only used for programmers - its so you can change the information that shows up on the screen. View Program List - only used for programmers - its so you can change the information that shows up on the screen. View Reports List - only used for programmers - its so you can change the information that shows up on the screen.

Here is a video on how to use the menu edit process.