OpenPro Appliction Guide - Sales Order Commission Setup and Logic (SO)


Sales Order Commission Setup and Logic

OpenPro has many level of commission logic this is the main program logic.

The following is the different layers of pricing structure:

  1. Commission based upon Items – where a customer gets a specific price for an item and the commission amount changes depending on the price selected.
  2. Customers can be assigned the default sales rep, or it will be based upon who entered in the order..
  3. Commission can be setup as multi-tiered, so a sales manager gets indirect commission amount from an employees commission.
  4. At order entry overrides setup based upon rules and others.
  5. You can have up to 3 sales reps per order, and each can get difference commission amounts.
  6. Commission can be based upon sales or based upon cash receipts.
  7. Sales Rep commission can be a fixed percent, or can be multilevel commission based upon sales.
  8. Commission sales reps can be setup for ecommerce orders, where a customer can be a sales rep and get commission on sales for other referred customers and reps.

Sales Order Commission Setup

Inventory control setup for commission codes are located in Inventory Control Maintenance, Commission Codes.

Commissions can be setup by quota, quantity, percent of sales or gross profit.

This is the commission code detail record. Commission can be setup so that for each price category that a customer gets the rep will get a different commission percentage.

For this example, when you put in 1.00 that means 100 percent of that item is commissionable, then the system will take the sales rep commission percent and calculate the commission based up on that percentage.

IE, if the item commission code is setup as 1.00 and sells for $100.00. A sales rep gets 10% commission on that product, the system will calculate $10.00 commission amount for that sales rep.

In here you can setup different commission percents based upon the discount level of the customer and if the price has a over ride.

Then in Inventory control item maintenance, edit the item.

In the Item maintenance screen you can see the commission code selected. So when a sales order is generated for this item, it is using commission code “Percent Commission Amount”.

This commission code selected here, will make order entry know this item is commissionable. And the percent of this item that is commissionable is based upon the setup of the commission code.

Now we can pull up the customer, see that the customer has a default sales person.

Edit the customer record.

Select the sales reps for this customer.

During order entry, the Sales Rep 1 is the person who enters in the order, sales rep 2 and 3 are the other default sales reps.

Setup of the sales is very important.

Edit the rep to review the detailed commission information.

If the rep has Zero in the commission percent, you can drill down to the Edit Commission Tiers.

Sales TIER is used for giving commission to managers of the sales reps. You setup a Sales Tier level, say what a manager gets, the percentage he should receive of the sale. You can have as many managers getting commission based upon this one sales rep. This commission is called indirect commission on the reports.

When you drill down to the commission tiers it looks like below.

The different tiers are based upon the Tier Code. That is described in later pages in detail. And the Amount Up to and percent commission process.

The Amount up to means from 0-500.00 is 6.00 percent.
The amount from 500.01 to 1000.00 will be 7 percent.
And so on.

Setup of the commission Base Code.

Tier Commission Calc Base must be setup in the table type fields.

Then the following commission base codes need to be setup based upon how you want to calculate the commission percent.

You can use Gross Commissions or Commissions amounts to calculate the total amount of sales generated.

Fields on the page:

All the amounts that are used in the commission percent to calculate sales amounts are located in the ar_commission_summary table. By rep.

  • CODE – the codes used for using gross or commissionable sales for amount. GROSSLB and GROSSAL are using gross sales for the complete sales amount. Where codes COMSALE and COMMLB are using commissionable sales for the complete sales amount.
  • Date_base – the date used and logic used to calculate 12 months of sales.
  • ANV_DATE – current running 12 months. From todays date less 12 months, sum all the sales invoices posted.
  • CAL_DATE – Jan 1 of current year to current month.
  • MONTHDATE – only current month.
  • ANV_TD – employee rep anniversary date month to todays date.
  • ANV_YTD – employee rep anniversary date to todays date including multiple years.
  • STARTDATE – Employee start date to today.

Manager Tier commission Processing setup.

Setup Tier Description, this is what you select when you edit the rep record.
The CODE is then used to lookup the sales managers.

Then the Tier detail for indirect commission has the managers for the sales reps. Also shows the percentage overrides the managers receive from the sales of the reps. 0.100 is the same as 10% commission.

During the process of the sales rep.

This is the information used for the calculation of the sales amounts.
The direct sales commission listed on the left and the indirect sales commission on the right.

Sales Order Commission Processing

Sales order processing when selecting the customer (with a default sales rep) and the item FG100 (with a commission code) receives commission of 5% of the $9400.00 sales amount.

The item has be flagged as a commissionable item, and the sales rep table must have a commission percent entered.

When you look at the customer header, it shows the sales reps and the commission amount.

Then the sales order is posted and the commission is posted for that rep.

Final posting stage of the sales orders, noted that commission updated during posting.

From receivables, you can check the commission report for that rep and see the sales dollars, the commission dollars and the quantity sold on this report.

Other detailed commission sales reports can be generated from this sales commission summary or the details invoices. This is the sales history for that sale. The commission percent turn into commission amounts.

and you can drill down to details showing complete commission information.

Detail of the sales order information.

These screens show the details of commission earned and paid. If you pay via cash receipts the paid amount will be zero until cash receipts have been entered.

Details of the line information.

These screens show the details of commission earned and paid. If you pay via cash receipts the paid amount will be zero until cash receipts have been entered.

Sales Order Commission Cash Receipts

During cash receipts based upon the setup of the business rules you will get a special commission allocation screen. Where you can allocation on certain cash receipts to sales being processed.

That lets you allocate the commission to a certain sales rep.

Commission can be entered in on a order summary or by line item.

Sales Order Commission Update and Reporting

This is the commission detail report that has update capability for each invoice, and you can select verified to generate a verified commission report for the sales reps.

This report lets you drill down to the invoice details and commission details.

If you drill down to the order details, Click on Edit Commission and change the commission amount, insert cost for shipping, etc and verify the order for commission reporting.

If you click on the UNIT cost of an item, here you can add additional freight cost to the order.

The system lets you drill down to the item.

When you click on the Edit Commission process, this is where you can verify the invoice for payment of commission to the sales reps.

Sales Order Commission Reporting

Commission reports are also available for reports and processing.

commission paid report, reports all the commission for reps that get paid for only fully paid open items in accounts receivable.

This is the other half of the commission detail report.

This is another detail report but broken down by different locations.

Commission sales reports are for reps that get paid based upon sales, cash receipts and or only verified sales with cash receipts.

And your details and summary reporting for both reports.

There are several reports for commission processing and depending on how you want to calculate the commission you may use one or another report.

Sales Order Commission Forecasting