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OpenPro Application Guide - Sales Order Templates and Recurring Orders Processing


Sales Order Templates and Recurring Orders Processing


Purpose of this manual is to describe what the recurring sales order processing is, how to setup the system with-in OpenPro and how to run transactions through the system.

Template Recurring sales orders are used for two reasons:

  1. to create a template order for a customer. If a customer orders the same products over and over again, with the template order you can create a template,and then just select the template during order processing. This process can be a great time saver.
  2. to create Invoices/Sales Orders/Bills on a monthly, daily, weekly or annual basis that get processed. These recurring invoices are used in many organizations, Warranty, Service, Rental, Subscriptions, Internet users, etc.

To use OpenPro Recurring sales order the following items need to be configured.

  1. New sales order types need to be defined.
  2. Groups need to be setup in the tables.
  3. Programs need to be added to the menu.
  4. Then you can start entering recurring sales order.
  5. Then you use the selection process of the recurring orders.

Basic Process Flow

This section shows you the overall OpenPro system data flow and integration between systems.

Setup Recurring order types as follows:

The RECUR are for orders that are not being pulled in as template orders, they are orders that will be billing once a week, month, qtr, etc.
RECSO order types can be pulled in during the entry of sales orders and fills out the sales order line items.

Here are the detail records for order types:

Also a recurring incremental code needs to be created. The incremental codes are used to specify the time period for the recurring invoices.

Each record needs to be setup:

New sales order types need to be added.

This table is for grouping your recurring billing. So when you select the invoices you can batch them into groups.

The table Types need to be setup like above.

Sales Recurring groups can be named anything you would like.

Examples are below. Need to setup the Recurring Order.

One needs to be setup a Default group, so during adding new recurring orders that is the one defaulted.

Groups are used so you can select certain groups for certain days of the week, months, etc.

Menu items need to be added to the system, if you don’t already have them setup. The following programs are used for this process.

Go into menu maintenance mode, add the Category Template and put it under the Sales Order Process.

Then add the following programs to the Sales Order Template Menu.

So_template_add – adds a template order.
So_template_find – finds and edits template orders.
So_template_select – select template orders for invoicing, sales order processing and billing.

Here are the detail menu items. One menu item for entering recurring orders, one for selection process of those orders. And one for the editing of the orders.

When you are adding recurring order templates, its just like adding sales orders.

It will default to the recurring order types.

Remember based upon this order type, it can be used during sales order entry or you must use the Template Select process for the order.

Select the customer you need for billing.

Then you can select the items you want to use for the billing process.

Just like in standard order entry process.

When you click on Detail it will display more information than the standard order entry screens.

Then on the order header is the recurring information. All the other fields are standard order entry fields.

Template Name – What name you want to call this to help select during order entry processing or the select for recurring billing.
Last Template Date – is the date you added this template or the date the template was billed or used last.
Next Run Date – this is based upon the last run date it calculates the next date for processing. If you are adding a new one, enter in the date you would like this to process.
# Times Processed – this is the number of times this order has processed from when the recurring order has been added.

Template Increment This is based upon how often billing should occur.

# of increments, based upon the template increment, you enter in the number associated to it.

Template Group – used to group the templates for selection processing and reporting.

When completed entry, click on ADD TEMPLATE to add the template to the recurring order processing system.

Then for the selection process you can select the recurring orders entered in.

It will convert templates into invoices, or sales orders and you can select an invoice date.

Template find, edit and update.

This is where you can search and review your templates.

During this process you can Edit (blue), Copy (Green) or Delete (red) the templates.

When you edit the screens look just like during entry.

[Last Review Date November 2017]