The [[|Engineering Control]] screen allows you are to manage engineering incidences based on methods built into the manufacturing process to minimize hazards. {{:programs:mrp-engineeringcontrol01.png?nolink|}} {{:programs:mrp-engineeringcontrol02.png?nolink|}} Description: This is is the Engineering Control incident description EC Incident #: This is a unique number given to incidences Item: This is the item associated with the incidence. Customer: This is the name of the customer affected by the incidence Work Order: This is the work order associated with the incidence vendor: This is the vendor affected by the incidence Purchase Order: This is the PO affected by the incidence Sales Order: This is the SO associated with the incidence MIN Start Date: This is the minimum date when incident change can start MAX Start Date: This is the maximum date when incident change can start MIN Complete Date: This is the minimum date when incident change can be completed MAX Complete Date: This is the maximum date when incident change can start