The All Open Purchase Orders Items screen allows you to view a list of all POs that are still open. Before any After payables transaction are entered and verified as correct, they are not posted to the permanent P/O Open Item File.
You can search for open item POs based on Buyer, Company and item part numbers. You can choose whether to view zero value items by selecting/unselecting the Show Zero Items checkbox.
Once you click Go, you will see a listing of all POs with open items.
Req #: This is the requisition number
PO #: This is the PO number
Order date: This is the date when items were ordered
Required Date: This is the date when customer requires goods
Vend ref: This is the vendor number
Company: This is the company name
Buyer: This is the customer number
Order Total: This is the total value of items ordered
Shipping: This is the shipping cost
Partnum#: These are the item parts unique numbers
Description: These are item names
Unit price: This is the item unit price
Order Qty: This is the amount ordered from vendor
Received Qty: This is the amount of items received from vendor
Open Qty: This is the number of items that are yet to be closed/posted
SO: This is the sales order number
Video on how to enter a purchase order
Video on how to enter receiving for a purchase order