The Inventory Find Screen allows you to search for goods purchased and held for resale to customers. It can also include items that will be used internally in the business, on jobs, or in the manufacturing process.
You can search for inventory based on Item, From Location, To Location, Beginning Date, End Date and Serial No
Item Name: This is the name of the product, material, or commodity
Part #/UPC:This is a unique number for various item parts
Bin: This references the smallest space unit in the warehouse where items are stored.
Pallet: This references the unit loads where the items are stacked together
Vendor Part #: This is unique vendor number for various item components
Vendor #: This is a unique identifiable vendor number
Min Price: This is the minimum item price
Max Price: This is the maximum item price
Manufacturer #: This is a unique manufacturer ID
Status: This describes whether item is active or inactive
Inventory Class: This is classification of various goods such as finished, parts, labor etc
Item Category: These are defined item categorizations in the system
Show Inventory For Location: Allows you to view inventory for items in specific location
For item availability: Allows you to view availability based on frequency such as weekly, monthly etc.