OpenPro Invoice Format Options [[:products:distribution|Back]] =====Invoice Format Options===== For Sales order entry, Purchase Order, Receivables, CRM quotes and Point of Sales entry. Many changes can be done on the forms with out touching the code. All forms have these options like Invoice, Sales Order, Quote and picking ticket. This guide describes the process of changing those formats. Invoice basic format looks like this, but you can have many variables of this standard format. Logo comes from the Rules Setup, Maintenance, Company Locations. {{products:distribution:so-invoice-format:image-001.png}} Options to print columns and discounts can be turned off in **Rules Setup > Table > Invoice Print Options**. ====Changed to Forms and options==== {{products:distribution:so-invoice-format:image-002.png}} Other items like **BATCH**, **User Def2...** can be turned on or off in the **Rules Setup Table > Order User Defined Fields, 1, 2, 3**. See next page. ===Invoice Notes=== The basic changes are by turning on and off flags setup in the **Rules Setup > Table**. Here is the complete list of field flags, if you are missing any of these you can just click Add NEW and add a new record. {{products:distribution:so-invoice-format:image-003.png}} How to change invoice and other form layouts. Click on the PDF. {{products:distribution:so-invoice-format:so-invoice-format.pdf}} With these changes you can turn on and off field, changes sizes of the unit prices, etc. {{products:distribution:so-invoice-format:image-004.png}} At the bottom of the invoice, you can have User defined order fields They can be turned off at the Rules setup, table, Order user defined fields. Sample invoice Note is located at Rules setup table, Invoice Notes. Invoice comment company is located at rules setup, maintenance, company location, edit the company. Each customer can have notes that shows up on the companies invoice, this is located under the customer maintenance screen, Receivables, customer find, EDIT. All terms and conditions are located as php template file under the server, template, terms.php. Order User defined field 1..5 printing on the invoice orders. {{products:distribution:so-invoice-format:image-005.png}} Invoice Notes {{products:distribution:so-invoice-format:image-006.png}} Terms on the invoice bottom can be added by the following: **Customer Specific Terms, Company Specific Terms, All Company Specific terms:** Customer Specific Terms, Receivables, Customer Find, Edit Customer.Edit Invoice Comment. {{products:distribution:so-invoice-format:image-007.png}} Company Specific Terms Rules Setup, Maintenance, Company Location.\ {{products:distribution:so-invoice-format:image-008.png}} All Company Specific terms. ===Print options for sales order options configuration=== Rules setup, Table, Invoice Print Options add the following options Display the model number, ModelNum, Y Display Model Number, DetailModelNumDetail, Y Detail will display all the components and options selected during the printing of invoice and other documents. The ModelNum will only display the configured model number on the documents, where the Display Model Num Detail will display all the detail options selected, exactly how they are showing up on the screen during order entry and ecommerce cart processing. Font size of the document can be changed based upon business rules. {{products:distribution:so-invoice-format:image-009.png}} You can change the font size for the Header of the form or the Detail lines. {{products:distribution:so-invoice-format:image-010.png}} Other options for invoice and other forms is the formatting of the PDF form. PDF Print Format PDFPRINTFORM SUMMARY DETAIL - show full headers on each page\\ SUMMARY - DEFAULT show only the\\ invoice number on top of each page\\ Summary will print a simple small header for page 2.. to the end.\\ DETAIL will print the whole form header and the details. Small logo and header.\\ Summary example… prints page numbers and summary header of the lines. {{products:distribution:so-invoice-format:image-011.png}} But when you have **DETAIL...** The full header prints on all pages. {{products:distribution:so-invoice-format:image-012.png}} ---- ~~socialite~~