OpenPro Install Instructions - Windows/Apache Server [[:support:start|Back]] =====OpenPro Windows Installation Setup===== The following is a detail manual for windows server or work station withApache, Mysql and OpenPro system. Installation of OpenPro on Windows machines, windows XP, 2000, 2003, 2005 and later work stations and servers. Check for prior versions of IIS running, apache, mysql or php, remove them all. Have openpro apps server directory on cd, download or memory stick with OpenPro Installation, appserv 2.5.10 using apache, mysql and php install files. {{install:install-instructions-windows:install-win_01.png}} Create inetpub folder, check that iis or mysql is not running before. {{install:install-instructions-windows:install-win_02.png}} Create a folder inetpub and wwwroot if they do not exist. {{install:install-instructions-windows:install-win_03.png}} Install apache {{install:install-instructions-windows:install-win_04.png}} Appserv‐win32‐2.5.10 {{install:install-instructions-windows:install-win_05.png}} Change folder to inetpub {{install:install-instructions-windows:install-win_06.png}} Switch to custom {{install:install-instructions-windows:install-win_07.png}} Unmark phpmyadmin since that is part of OpenPro {{install:install-instructions-windows:install-win_08.png}} Enter in localhost, and your emal address {{install:install-instructions-windows:install-win_09.png}} Put in password of openpro and check old password support and innodb. {{install:install-instructions-windows:install-win_10.png}} Unblock windows firewall if that is an issue. {{install:install-instructions-windows:install-win_11.png}} Test php is working.\\ Copy the file testphp.php to the inetpub/wwwroot folders. {{install:install-instructions-windows:install-win_12.png}} Copy http.conf to the inetpub/apache/conf folder\\ And restart apache {{install:install-instructions-windows:install-win_13.png}} {{install:install-instructions-windows:install-win_14.png}} Restart apache {{install:install-instructions-windows:install-win_15.png}} Click on testphp.php {{install:install-instructions-windows:install-win_16.png}} It shows that php is up and running and the web server is working.\\ Then install ioncube. {{install:install-instructions-windows:install-win_17.png}} {{install:install-instructions-windows:install-win_18.png}} Change the folder to inetpub php folder and install, then MOVE THE php.ini file from the installation folder to the c:\windows folder. {{install:install-instructions-windows:install-win_19.png}} Then restart apache server to make the change work.\\ Install the OpenPro database either via the command prompt or openpro web database interface. {{install:install-instructions-windows:install-win_20.png}} * Localhost/openpro/sql/ * Login root/openpro * the database openpro create * method command {{install:install-instructions-windows:install-win_21.png}} Open up the cmd for mysql, cut and paste the create database openpro to create a new database called openpro. {{install:install-instructions-windows:install-win_22.png}} Go to all **programs>mysql command** prompt, put in the password then right click past the create database openpro; command and hit enter. Or go to: * run cmd, get a dos prompt, change directory to the mysql/bin folder * Type in mysql –u root –p and hit enter * Enter in the password openpro * Them right click past the create database command. * Move the backup file from the installation folder openpro_demo.sql to the mysql bin folder. {{install:install-instructions-windows:install-win_23.png}} mysql ‐u root ‐p openpro < openpro_demo.sql the command past to the command prompt, enter in the password wait 30 seconds and it will load the database. {{install:install-instructions-windows:install-win_24.png}} Paste the commands from the text file genbarcode from the installation disk to the php copy 5 folder. {{install:install-instructions-windows:install-win_25.png}} Now we can load openpro and test openpro. {{install:install-instructions-windows:install-win_26.png}} Take the OpenPro zip file and extract it to the inetpub\wwwroot\openpro folder. {{install:install-instructions-windows:install-win_27.png}} Copy the sqlinfo.php file and paste to the inetpub/wwwroot/openpro folder.\\ Open OpenPro from the browser and try to login to openpro. {{install:install-instructions-windows:install-win_28.png}} Login using admin/openpro/demo and verify it works, then you can go to the work stations on the network, enter in the ip address of the server/openpro to login. For a customer, you get the registration file, move register.php to the inetpub/wwwroot/openpro folder and open up a browser with localhost/openpro/register.php enter in the registration and hit save. {{install:install-instructions-windows:install-win_29.png}} ---- ~~socialite~~